Staying Focused in an Unfocused World


Find your focus by seeking all that is good in your life. ~Lorii Myers

Not sure what it is lately, but I have not been able to maintain focus; even the slightest things distract me.  It’s very disconcerting since it goes against my Type “A” personality.  I’m not used to having unfinished projects or blowing past deadlines.  I’m still in my 40’s, so I refuse to believe that this is a sign of old age.  A friend of mine recommends that I take yoga classes but I’m thinking a Swedish or hot stone massage will have the same effect and I am definitely giving my theory a shot first.

Share how you maintain your focus?

Relax with a good book and reap the benefits


Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light. ~Vera Nazarian

Experts say that reading is good for your overall health; it reduces stress and provides greater tranquility.  Stress from work, personal life or just everyday life issues just melt away when you sit down and engross yourself in a good book.  Well, I think that it is time to check reality at the door, break away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and slip into the world of make believe.  When I read a book, my mind shifts gears; I am instantly transported to a new world; a world where men are sensitive yet strong, at times have fangs or shape shift into wild animals or where they are super sleuths or avengers of the universe.  Reading is also soothing; to read, you have to sit and be still, which may be the only time of the day that I can do this.

Share what you do to unplug from the world.

Christmas Memories

holiday khi & khyson

When grandparents enter the door, discipline flies out the window. ~Ogden Nash

Last year, I thought it would be a great idea to spend the morning decorating the Christmas tree with my husband and grandchildren.  In theory, the idea sounded like a warm fuzzy “Hallmark” moment in the making but in reality not so much.  The reality was my one year old grandson Khyson running around screaming and grabbing all of the ornaments off the tree as soon as we put them on; my four year old grandson Mekhi screaming at Khyson for taking the ornaments;  me screaming at Mekhi for screaming at Khyson, and then my husband screaming at all of us for screaming.  Once we got ourselves under control and the Christmas tree was decorated, I had the bright idea to take a picture of the boys in front of the tree; still striving for that “moment”.  But, like the picture says, Mekhi stood there like a wooden toy soldier and Khyson was just unwilling to stand still for even one second…CLASSIC!

Share a holiday story where things just didn’t work out quite the way you wanted or expected.

The Proposal


The love of your life will find you when you least expect it…the most exciting relationships happen when you’re not looking. ~Unknown


This covert operation that my boyfriend, who I met via online dating, put in motion included my kids, friends, siblings and both sets of parents.  What started out as a quiet night out to dinner with one of my closest girlfriends somehow turned into a night that I would agree to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.  As my girlfriend and I were walking back to our cars after dinner, we passed the park where my boyfriend and I first met and I noticed that there was a candle and wine glasses on the table where we shared our first kiss.  I stood there confused and then all of a sudden my boyfriend stepped out of the shadows with that “gotcha” look and I almost hyperventilated because it finally dawned on me that this “was the moment”!  As I was calling my friends and family, who already knew, to share the news that I was getting married, my son hopped the small fence surrounding the park and we just hugged, laughed and cried; PERFECT!

Share your proposal story.